The Ultimate Book For Beginners That Teaches Full Stack Web Development

This book is written for absolute beginners who want to become full-stack web application developers. To become a professional full-stack web developer you have to put on many hats. HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP are the core technologies that you must be acquainted with to develop moderate data-driven web applications. All these technologies are voluminous and you need ample time to learn each one of them.

In this fast-changing technological world, no one has time to go through bulky books on these core technologies. With so many web technologies out there in the market, novices are confused and do not have enough time to evaluate these technologies to decide what to pick for their career and where to start. Keeping aside the least utilized features, I've written this book to focus on the more operational areas of these technologies that act as the first stepping stone and will provide you with a solid jump-start into the exciting world of web development. This book is meant to help you learn web development quickly by yourself. It follows a tutorial approach in which hands-on exercises, augmented with illustrations, are provided to teach you web application development in a short period of time. Once you get grips on these core web development technologies through this book, you will be able to easily set the destination for your future.

With uncountable sites and freely available material, this book is written due to the following reasons:

  • Assemble all scattered pieces in one place. This volume contains HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP and MySQL. Sequential instructions are provided to download and install the required software and components to set up a complete development environment on your own pc.
  • Focus on inspiring practical aspects of these web technologies.
  • Last but not least, move novices gradually right from creating an HTML file with a text editor, through learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, MySQL, and PHP all the way to creating and deploying a professional e-commerce website that comprises static and dynamic pages.

From web introduction to hands-on examples and from website designing to its deployment, this book surely is a complete resource for those who know little or nothing about professional web development.


Chapter 1 - The World Wide Web - An Introduction  

Web Development  
Full-stack Web Development  
The Internet And The World Wide Web  
Are Web & Internet the same?   
What is Internet Backbone?   
Who is Internet Service Provider (ISP)?   
Types of Internet Connections   
What is IP Address?   
Web Address (URL) and Domains   
What is a Web Page?   
Website vs. Web Application 
What is a Web Server?   
What is a Web Browser?   
What are Cookies?   
What is Responsive Page Design?  
What are Hyperlinks?   
What is File Transfer Protocol (FTP)?
What is a Search Engine?   
How Do Search Engines Work?
What is SEO?   
What are Web Logs or Blogs   
What is Web Portal?   
What is E-Commerce?   
What is Social Media?   
What is Web Service?   
Launching a Website   
Choosing The Right Hosting Company
What E-mail is And How It Works   
Scripting Languages   
Client-side scripting   
Server-side scripting   
Client vs. Server side scripting

Chapter 2 - Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

About HTML   
Your First HTML Web Page
Elements in HTML
Attributes in HTML
Headings in HTML 
Paragraphs in HTML 
Lines and Line Breaks in HTML
Comments in HTML   
Abbreviation & Acronyms   
Long and Short Quotations in HTML   
Web Links in HTML   
E-mail Links in HTML   
Bookmarking in HTML   
Images in HTML   
Lists in HTML   
Tables in HTML   
Divisions/Sections in HTML   
View HTML Source And Inspect Page Elements   
Forms in HTML   
Text and Password Elements   
Text Area Element   
Radio Button Element   
Checkbox Element   
Dropdown List Box Element   
Submit Button Element   
Button Element   
File Input Element   
Grouping Form Elements   
Some More HTML5 Elements
Calendar Element   
Form Validation   
Add Search Box to a Web page   
Play Videos on a Web page   

Chapter 3 - Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)   

About Cascading Style Sheets   
Why CSS   
What is CSS3?   
CSS Rules and Syntax   
Creating Style Sheets (External/Internal)   
Understand the Cascade   
CSS ID and Class   
Comments in CSS   
CSS Color Property   
CSS Font   
CSS Text   
Style Links and Pseudo-Classes   
Styling Lists   
Styling Tables   
Understanding the Box Model   
Control Element Positioning   
Floating Elements   
Opacity and Transparency   
CSS3 Borders   
CSS3 Fonts   
Google Fonts   
CSS3 Animation   

Chapter 4 - JavaScript  

About JavaScript   
Comments in JavaScript   
Few points to remember   
Using HTML elements in JavaScript   
Variables in JavaScript   
Types of Variables   
Assignment and Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript   
Comparison Operators in JavaScript   
Logical Operators in JavaScript   
Conditional Operators   
The IF Conditional Statement   
The SWITCH Statement   
Alert Box   
Confirm Box   
Prompt Box   
Using Functions in JavaScript   
Iterative Statements   
FOR Loop   
WHILE Loop   
DO…WHILE Loop   
Break and Continue Statements   
Objects in JavaScript   
Declaring an Object   
Add Properties to Object   
Why Use Objects   
Creating Objects & Defining Properties   
Creating Methods   
Creating an Object’s Instance
Testing Objects   
JavaScript Events   
Common Events   
Using JavaScript with HTML Forms   
Form Attributes   
Form Methods   
Form Events   
Referring Form Elements   
Validating Form Data   
JavaScript & PHP   

Chapter 5 - PHP and MySQL  

Introduction to PHP & MySQL   
Set Up Environment for Server-Side Scripting    
Download & Install AMPPS   
Download & Install Visual Studio Code   
Test PHP   
Structured Query Language (SQL)   
Handling a Database   
MySQL Data Types   
Creating Tables   
Adding Data   
Querying Data   
Updating Data   
Removing Data   
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor   
Variable in PHP   
Arrays in PHP   
PHP Sessions   
Creating a PHP Function   
Dealing with Forms   
Connect to MySQL Database and Query Records   
Insert Form’s Data in MySQL Database   
Update Form’s Data in MySQL Database   
Delete Form’s Data from MySQL Database   
PHP Data Objects (PDO)   
Connect to MySQL Database through PDO   
Execute a SELECT Statement   
Execute an INSERT Statement   
Execute an UPDATE Statement   
Execute a DELETE Statement   
Using FOREACH Loop   
INCLUDE and REQUIRE Statements   
Send E-Mail from PHP   

Chapter 6 – E-Commerce Website Project  

Project Introduction   
Website Security   
Use a secure connection   
What is SSL Certification   
Use Authentication   
Encrypting Password   
Build Website’s Static Pages   
The Home Page   
The Home Section   
The Service Section   
The Testimonials Section   
The Recent News Section   
The Footer Section   
Make the Website Dynamic   
Tasks List   
Directory Structure   
The Controller File (Index.php)   
Database Structure   
Task 1 - Contact Form   
Task 2 - Newsletter Subscription   
Manage Website Dynamically - Admin Modules   
Task 3 - Admin Login Module   
Task 4 - Manage Categories   
Task 5 - Manage Products   
Listing products on a web page from the database   
View product details   
Delete product   
Update product   
Handling products images   
Add new product   
Task 6 - Manage Orders   
Orders List   
Order information, confirmation, and deletion   
Task 7 - Manage Admin Accounts   
Purchase Products Over the Internet – Members Module   
Task 8 - Member Login Module   
Task 9 - Member Registration Module   
Task 10 - Password Reset Module   
Task 11 - Manage Your Account Module   
Task 12 - Display Products Catalog   
Task 13 - Product Details   
Task 14 - Add Online Shopping Cart   
Add products to the shopping cart   
Update products in the shopping cart   
Task 15 - Checkout Module   
Order confirmation   
Payment information   
Task 16 - Website Deployment   
Step-1: Hosting the website   
Step-2: Install FileZilla client and upload files   
Step-3: Access the web hosting control panel   
Step-4: Create a database and users   
Setp-5: Create database tables 


  1. I hope these book material should helpful to the beginning stage of developers to create the both static and dynamic website and it could as good reference to them.
    Web Development Company | Web Design Company


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